Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star Features and Keyboard Commands PLEASE NOTE: A Joystick and a Mouse are required. You must run the configuration program (type CONFIG) prior to running the demo for the first time. This will allow you to set up the joystick and reset your sound card if you wish. The Renegade demo runs in SVGA and requires a VESA driver. The program loads a VESA driver prior to running the demo. If you experience graphics problems you may already have a VESA driver loaded. To avoid this problem you may start the game by typing RENEGADE or edit your config.sys file to remove the VESA driver. You may need to recalibrate your joystick during a mission, to do this press ALT-C. The mission in the demo is a simple fighter sweep. It will allow you to get an idea of what the missions will be like in the final product. The mission review is from a previous mission and is included to demonstrate the capabilities of the reviewer. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS demo and the mission is in no way near its final form. Once you have started the demo click on the computer face to begin a mission, you may select a wingman to accompany you on the mission. In the final game you will be able to choose more than one or none if you desire. After the wingman selection, you will choose the Interceptor you wish your pilot to fly. Again in the final product, more than one Interceptor will be available to your character. When you have made all of your selections you will then find yourself in the cockpit of your Interceptor. TOG fighters will appear shortly and then the fun will begin. In the file README.TXT are the keyboard commands for wingman control, cockpit views, and so on. You may print the file so that you may have the commands handy while you fly the mission. Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star feature list includes; * Spectacular SVGA graphics. * Over 140 megs of beautifully rendered 3D cinematics and 180 mins. of digitized speech that will play off the game CD. * Over 12 pieces of music presented in Redbook Audio format (the same format provided by audio CDs). * A campaign game that can include over 70 missions out of the more than 200 missions available with the product. * Game includes the Holo-Space simulator. A simple means of honing your pilot's skills with any of the available Interceptors. * Players will be able to play their own audio CD while playing Renegade. Players can remove the game CD and replace it with their own music CDs. When the program needs information off the game CD it will pause the game and ask the player to replace the game CD into their drive. This will usually happen at the end of a mission. * Depending on how well the player is leading his squadron, there are different ways the game can end. * There are 25 different wingman, eight of which are available during any campaign, and eight different Interceptors to fly. * On screen 3D Spacial Positioning System continuously keeps the player updated on where the all ships are located. Technical Specifcations; * Systems: IBM or Compatible, 486/33 MHz required. * IBM control: Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick. * IBM graphics: SVGA. * IBM sound: General MIDI, AdLib, Roland SCC-1, SoundBlaster family, and compatibles. * Hard Drive and CD-ROM drive required. Keyboard Commands; 1. Mission Reviewer: PLAY/PAUSE (P): Plays back or pauses the mission being reviewed. REVERSE PLAY (R): Plays the current mission being reviewed in reverse. FORWARD PLAY (F): Plays the current mission being reviewed forward. INCREASE PLAYBACK SPEED (+): Increases play back speed. DECREASE PLAYBACK SPEED (-): Decreases play back speed. LOCK/TRACK/FOLLOW (L): Locks onto a target and follows it through out the review. Repeatedly hitting the key will cycle through ships. ZOOM IN (Joy Bttn 1): Zooms view in closer. Push joystick forward. ZOOM OUT (Joy Bttn 1): Zooms view out further. Pull the joystick back. EXIT (ESC): Exits mission reviewer. 2. Cockpit Controls: PILOT VIEWS (F1, F2, F3, F4): Allows user forward, left, right, and exterior views of ship being flown. CUSTOM EXTERNAL VIEWS (F10): Allows the user to set up external views, for the hot keys F5-F8, of his/her fighter own liking. By hitting the F10, the game will effectively be paused in the external view of his/her interceptor so that the user may move the view around his/her ship with the joystick. When the desired angle is found hitting F5-F8 will fix that angle to the function key selected. Example; the user hits the F10 key, the game pauses and the user now moves the view angle of the exterior to the nose of his/her ship so that they may see anything coming up behind them. The user then hits the F5 key and fixes this new nose view to the F5 key so that at any time the user hits F5 he/she gets a view of his/her ship from the nose. Propulsion: INCREASE THROTTLE (+): Increases output of power plant. DECREASE THROTTLE (-): Decreases output of power plant. SET THROTTLE TO ZERO (Backspace): Sets output of power plant to zero. INCREASE THROTTLE +1/4 (]): Increases the output of power plant in increments of 1/4. From zero the increments are 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full power. DECREASE THROTTLE -1/4 ([): Decreases the output of the power plant in increments of 1/4. From full power the increments are 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, zero power. THROTTLE MATCH (/): Sets output of power plant to match current target (that is in view). Combat Systems; SELECT WEAPON SYSTEMS (W): Cycles through weapon systems available in fighter. FIRE WEAPONS (Joy Bttn 1): Fires currently selected weapon system. TARGETTING SHIPS (T): Repeatedly hitting will cycle through all ships as possible targets. TARGETTING SHIPS, REVERSE (Y): Repeatedly hitting key will cycle through all ships and missiles in reverse order as possible targets. Wingman Commands; COVER ME (Shift+C): Orders wingman to return to formation and/or cover user with suppression fire. ATTACK TARGET (Shift+A): Orders wingman to attack user’s current target. IGNORE TARGET (Shift+I): Orders wingman to ignore user’s current target. PROTECT TRANSPORT (Shift+O): Orders wingman to protect transport if mission is an escort. ATTACK AT WILL (Shift+W): Orders wingman to attack enemies at will. INTERNAL DAMAGE DISPLAY (D): Displays damage to the internal systems of your pilot's interceptor. REAR VIEW/WEAPONS DISPLAY (M): Toggles between rear view and weapon systems. Miscellaneous Commands; RETURN TO BASE (Shift+H): Returns the fighter to base and ends the current mission. CALIBRATE JOYSTICK (Alt+C): Calibrates user's joystick. TEXTURE MAPS ON/OFF (X): Toggles texture mapping on and off. LIGHT SHADING ON/OFF (G): Toggles Guaruad light shading between on and off. NOTE: You cannot have texture mapped and light shaded ships.